Fabric-prepreg type 926

Products from remaining stock: Carbon fibre prepregs with epoxy resin 913 C

With epoxy resin 913 C: hardening at 125°C, at least 60 min, Storage time: 30 days at room temperature, 360 days at -18°C

Fibres Tenax HTA/HTS or Toray 300J
Yarn 6K
Weave satin 1/4
Thickness of the fabric 0,350 mm
Standard width of rolls 1270 mm
Areal weight of the prepreg 570 g/m² in case of 35% resin
  620 g/m² in case of 40% resin
Areal weight of the fabric 370 g/m²
  In warp direction In fill direction
Tensile strength 900 MPa 800 MPa
Tensile modulus of elasticity 70 GPa 67 GPa
Compressive strength 760 MPa 680 MPa

with epoxy resins 6376, 977, M21, 8552

Fabric-Prepreg Type 926

With epoxy resins 6376, 977: hardening at 180°C, at least 120 min, Storage time: 21 days at room temperature, 180 days at -18°C

Fibres Tenax HTA/HTS oder Toray 300J
Yarn 6K
Weave satin 1/4
Thickness of the fabric 0,350 mm
Standard width of rolls 1270 mm
Areal weight of the prepreg 570 g/m² in case of 35% resin
620 g/m² in case of 40% resin
Areal weight of the fabric 370 g/m²
  In warp direction In fill direction (90°)
Tensile strength 900 MPa 800 MPa
Tensile modulus of elasticity 70 GPa 67 GPa
Compressive strength 760 MPa 680 MPa